What’s Give A Sock

We are a club devoted to bringing relief and hope to fellow town residents in need, improving their lives immediately at the most basic levels. Our purpose is to GIVE comforting human necessities and COMMUNICATE options to people we find in need but also to SHOW that ones life is cared about.

By providing a feeling of newness with fresh, warm socks, a little nourishment, needed health essentials and simply feeling cared for by a stranger, the capacity for transformation can be great. Moods lighten, so choices are altered, chances are broadened and therefore lives bettered. Often a little stunned, some ask, “how did you know?” Simply and easily giving attention and knowing it helps someone day and life improve is incomparably satisfying. In some cases, it can mean protection from frost bite and the only care shown in some time. Giving at any level has amazing healing side effects to all involved and is incredibly contagious.